ALWAYS is only NOW.

What is being happy?
It might appear like a nice concept,
a nice philosophical discussion.
But you can experience it right now at this moment.
this simple direct experience
before the thought arises,
before “I need anything”
before labelling this experience, and by that, limiting it.
To bring this theory into practicality,
I have to come back and be here and connect to my five senses.
This is what is happening right now.
It's up to us to remember.
Our job is to remind ourselves to be here.
we don't have to have a concept about being here,
it is what it is.
Maybe you ask yourself,
How can I function like that?
moment by moment you will find out.
it's not a mystery
it's not magic
it's a very ordinary movement
Our job is to question our mind,
which means to question our beliefs.
Do you want to know how to do it?
Come back to this moment.
Observe your five senses without labelling what you experience.
What is happening right now, without labelling the experience?

It's very ordinary.
That's why sometimes it is overlooked.
When you go on a retreat,
you take yourself away from your comfort zone
away from your habits, your conditioning,
and go to a space where you allow your mind
to be in the unknown.
You condition your mind to cope with what is
and see that it's not too bad!
We have this ability to adjust to what is.
We simply forgot.
We have to come back to ourselves,
but we don't know what it means.
I can invite you at this moment to be with the body,
to be with the five senses
and observe, notice what is happening
As it is
every time the mind is wandering -
to a memory,
projecting to the future
as imagination
You are here.
Because everything is happening at this moment
You can ask "who is aware of this moment?"
You don't have to have an answer.
Are you okay to not have an answer to "who is aware of this moment?"
We weren't conditioned to be here,
yet sometimes we have these glimpses of presence
without understanding what it is to be here
I don't know, and I'm still here.
Freedom, enlightenment, awakening,
these are all concepts...
It is a concept that is pointing to to the direct experience
before the thought arises.

Self-realization is
only this moment
it is not a process
Time does not exist there
definitely no form nor name
How can we live in this moment?
Is it possible to live in this moment?
Yes, it is.
Recondition your mind, recondition your habits
by developing a new condition
By questioning the mind
The mind questions itself
and the rest will be revealed
when you start to question yourself
you need support, to support yourself.
This is the moment.
Observe - before the thought arises,
Are you here?
Do you need to know who you are?
Do you need to explain yourself anything?
We all have the ability to be here.
to know ourselves, not mentally,
but as direct experience.
How do you do that?
come back here.
you don't have to understand what it means
Maybe you heard this concept many times
so what?
now is the only time that exists.
Try, do it.
Find out for yourself!
There is no method
there is no journey
there is no practice
except for this moment.
That's our practice.
Whatever you do right now
It is what it is.

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