Can I be with myself, when I don't want to?
Can I see the perfection of this moment, even when I feel pain?
Can I recognize that right now, all is fine?

The thing is,
I don't have a problem with life.
The problem starts only when I believe the thoughts
'It could be like this'
'It should be like that'
'It shouldn't be like that'
I forgot...
That these are only thoughts.
The tool is to recognize them
To notice their appearance
And to awaken to the reality
of what is - as it is, moment by moment.
I don't have to understand reality...
I don't have to understand the mind...
I don't have to understand the feeling...
I simply need to remind myself
That whatever is happening right now
is already Over
and I am still here, aware.
This “I” that is aware is not a thought.
It simply is, I simply am,
a constant change.

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I start to see the difference between
the thought reporting what is
and the thought reporting what I’d like it to be
how it could be, how it should be.
Does it make me stronger
to escape the feeling?
to avoid the challenge?
So I’m gonna meet what is - as it is.
whatever comes my way - I will face it.
When anger, frustration, and violence arise within me
it is an opportunity for me to stop and question;
Am I arguing with life?
Or to simply remind myself
to see this moment - as it is.
When we keep this moment simple,
It's effortless to be with what is.
with the pain.
Whatever appears within me
it is bound to change.
It shall pass, like everything else.
Notice how the experiencer
who claims “this is my experience”
who projects “it will get worse”
Doesn’t recognize
that this is an experience that constantly changes.
I recondition the mind
to see what is - as it is
no more - no less
and to understand that it is conditioned.
It perceives a world
that is projected from within.
We don't have to change our perceptions...
We can simply start to acknowledge
What is the cause - of my agitation?
What is the cause - of my resistance?
What is this mechanism - that I was born into and sustain?
We can start to notice our should’s and shouldn't’s.
Once we are aware of this conditioning
it will gradually start to change.
You don't have to believe me
Just try
Acknowledge “it is what it is”
allow this moment to be
and connect to what is happening right now.
Use the pain to connect to yourself.
This is a reminder
To come back home.

Check out our Conscious Living Online Program or our 10 Day Transformative Program if you want to learn to be with yourself and connect to this moment, without limitation.